Course Overview

The one course you need to develop your leadership skills.

This is the second of three courses that takes you all the way from management to leadership through to building high-performance teams. The approach these courses take is to change your behaviours, not your mindset. It is easier to 'act your way into new thinking' than to 'think your way into new actions'.

The High-Performance Leadership course starts the process of building a high-performance team and is, therefore, a precursor to the High-Performance Team Building course. 

Whether you are an experienced manager or one preparing for a leadership role, this course has been written for you. 

Moving into leadership, or developing your team are all significant events that can also be daunting experiences, this course aims to help those making such transitions be more successful. 

This course contains the very latest leadership, and high-performance teams research and best practices from some of the world's leading and most progressive organizations including Harvard Business Review, Google, Microsoft, Deloittes, Adobe, Forbes, Praxis, Gartner, and Gallup, with a wealth of knowledge from books such as Good to Great, The Five Dysfunctions of Teams and The Hedgehog Effect. 

In High-Performance Leadership, you will find: 

A comprehensive guide on modern leadership practices. 

One leadership course. 

Easy step by step instructions.

Actions and a summary at the end of each step.

Build trust, credibility and gain the confidence of your team. 

How to develop charisma and become a person of influence. 

Give effective feedback and motivation. 

Secrets to effective communication and developing emotional intelligence. 

How to delegate, be persuasive and be a good mentor and coach. 

How to start building a high-performance team. 

The new leader 

Given today's rapidly changing business environment, leadership is more important than ever. I obtained my first leadership position at age 35 as Chief Information Officer for a large Insurance Group. I had to learn how to empower my executives and not micromanage, creating an inclusive team showing concern for their success and well-being. I also had to set an example of being productive and results-oriented, a good communicator who listened and shared information, someone who supported career development and discussed performance.

I needed a clear vision, and I had to demonstrate that I had key technical skills to help advise my team, that I could collaborate across the organisation and that I was a good decision-maker. I soon realised that I had to be both a manager and a leader, that activities such as creating stability and performing managerial activities like controlling, planning and other typical managerial tasks were at times required. Then during times of change, I needed to focus on leadership activities such as setting and communicating a vision, inspiring executives, and employees to pursue challenging tasks and how to change the culture, all aimed at concentrating on positive results for the organisation. 

Course curriculum

What Skills and knowledge will you learn?

  • Establishing personal and professional goals

  • How to develop a new leadership style

  • Lack of preparation to successfully lead

  • How to succeed immediately

  • How to have great meetings

  • How to leverage team norms to drive performance

  • How to use psychological safety with your team

  • How to start building a high-performance team

  • Essential Interpersonal Skills

  • How to implement Team Member Engagement


Outstanding Team Developer

Warwick Foster, Director at LongBoard Advisory Services

How exciting to see Russell publish his online courses based on his many years of corporate and media experience. I have worked with Russell a number of times in different organisations over many years and in all cases he has been an inspirational leader of change underpinned by exhausting energy, focus on quality delivery and a commitment to building a strong and enduring team. His books, articles and courses will be well worth a read as a pragmatic guide for many managers, business executives and aspiring leaders.

Highly Recommended

Peter Fleming, CEO and CIO, Leader in Digital Transformational and Delivery.

I have had the pleasure of working with Russell over many years, first in the Colonial Group and then in Mayne Group. Russell is one of the most inspiring and influential leaders I have had the opportunity to work with. He has an established history of building high performance teams and in turning around problematic IT organisations. His open and frank manner allows him to get to the heart of any problem whilst bringing his whole team along the journey.

No mean feat

Simone Clancy, General Manager - Latin America at Yellowfin.

Russell is a highly effective and inspiring leader who sets and achieves high standards of performance and professionalism from his teams. Russell's teams are able to drive out value, improve services and customer service, all while maintaining an engaged and motivated team of internal staff, contractors and external service provider resources - no mean feat!”.


Russell Futcher

Russell is a business specialist with extensive, broad management consulting experience gained over a 45-year career as a private Management Trainer and Consultant. His reputation is based on his work developing managerial talent and building High-Performance teams. Russell’s team development experience spans the Insurance, Banking, Finance, Health, Transport, Retail, Superannuation and Technology sectors. He also held electronic and print media positions for six years talking and writing about management, teams and technology. Russell is the author of the five Management and Teams books and he is the author and developer of the 'High-Performance Management and Teams model'.


  • Who is the course intended for?

    Experienced managers who want to dramatically improve their management and leadership skills. For anyone who wants to improve their team’s capability, performance and productivity.

  • How long does it take to finish the course?

    The course can be completed in as little as 2 weeks but is best spread out over 4 weeks to improve memory retention and to let the new learnings really take hold.

  • How long will I have access to the course?

    After enrolling, you have unlimited access to the course. It will always be there for you so you can come back anytime.

  • Do you give refunds?

    Refunds are not included. This is because I have never received a negative comment about the content of the course over the many years, I have been delivering it. Also, the peer reviewers and teaching professionals who reviewed the course before its launch all gave it a gold medal.